The Network Insider: Feb Newsletter (Viral Marketing Download)
From the feedback I received, a monthly edition is what came out a good frequency for most readers. There were suggestions that it would be helpful if the main focus of the newsletter was spelled out a little clearer. I started this newsletter as a way to engage my growing network in a constructive way by sharing the best resources I come across in the area of marketing and innovation.
For this month, I want to share with you some insights on viral marketing. I often get asked questions like "How do you make it happen?" People fantasize over the idea of having their marketing message race across the internet for basically - free. We can make it happen and there are various ways to do it. But the outcomes are not very predictable and the process works best when combined with processes to enhance one's credibility.
To give you a primer on viral marketing, I've gotten permission from David Meerman Scott, the author of The New Rules of viral Marketing to bring you this month's resource. It is this latest book of his, and it is free. You can download it directly by clicking here (no registration required).
Viral marketing campaigns are like gambling. As David suggests, the best way to look at the process is like sorting the winners from the losers in the venture capital field. For every ten companies in the venture capitalist's portfolio, one or two will become winners, and the rest won't but the winners need to carry the whole portfolio. He suggests this to be the case for viral marketing processes. I would add that the odds of getting a better viral marketing portfolio return increase if credibility aspects are factored in.
By working on processes to enhance credibility, no matter what, you move forward as you add to your profile and this helps with viral marketing. When combining the two (credibility processes and viral marketing), something interesting happens. Any successes in viral marketing add to one's credibility and by having greater credibility, one has greater chances of creating a successful viral marketing campaign.
What I am suggesting is that if you are interested in viral marketing, be mindful of how it relates to processes for enhancing credibility. The two work well together.
I hope you enjoy the resource!
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Labels: credibility, viral marketing